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  • My personal profile (please, don't call me for this, use "copy & paste" instead).
  • Some useless information about my equipment, cables, gadgetz and shit.
  • List of my upcoming dates and events...
  • Download section (for members only). To become a member please click the "Feedback" button. Also, if you want to "be the first to know", use the Feedback form as well.
  • Plenty of more useless information

Aleš Avbelj (1969, Ljubljana - SLO). Has studied clarinet for 10 years, started to play doublebass in high school. In 1994 joined Greentown Jazz band (festivals in Europe, Russia, USA - Los Angeles, Sacramento, Oregon, Sun Valley...). Playing both acoustic and electric bass, he collaborated with many well-known artist and groups: Petar Ugrin, Peter Michelich, Renato Chicco, Dominik Krajnčan, Primož Grašič, New Swing Quartet, James Morrison, Lee Harper, Duško Gojković, Gregory Hutchinson, David Gazarov, Ed Neumeister, Roseanna Vitro, Hector Martignon, Simphony orchestra RTV SLO, Simphony orchestra of Maribor opera house, Irena Grafenauer... From 1997 he is a premier bassist of Big Band RTV Slovenia (concerts and recordings with Herb Pomeroy, Fritz Pauer, Jerry van Roojeen, Walter Proost, Maria Schneider, Mathias Ruegg, Mike Westbrook, Bobby Shew, Michael Abene, Gary Burton, Ed Partyka, Bill Holman, Diane Shuur, Bob Mintzer, John Riley...) As "sideman" he appears on more than 60 albums and projects from classical to jazz, funk and pop music.

Aleš Avbelj (r. 1969 v Ljubljani). Deset let je študiral klarinet, nato pa v srednji šoli kontrabas. Profesionalno kariero je začel v različnih zasedbah, leta 1994 se je za nekaj let pridružil Greentown Jazz Bandu s katerim je prepotoval Evropo in Ameriko. Kot vsestranski glasbenik (kontrabas, el. bas) je sodeloval z mnogimi domačimi in tujimi jazz glasbeniki ter zasedbami: Petar Ugrin, Peter Michelich, Renato Chicco, Dominik Krajnčan, Primož Grašič, Alenka Godec, Eva Hren, New Swing Quartet, James Morrison, Lee Harper, Duško Gojković, Gregory Hutchinson, David Gazarov, Ed Neumeister, Roseanna Vitro, Hector Martignon, Simfonični orkester RTV SLO, orkester Mariborske opere in baleta, Orkester slovenske policije,  Orkester Ruske filharmonije,  Irena Grafenauer... Od leta 1997 je prvi basist Big Banda RTV Slovenija in sodeluje z mnogomi znanimi umetniki (Herb Pomeroy, Fritz Pauer, Jerry van Roojeen, Walter Proost, Maria Schneider, Mathias Ruegg, Mike Westbrook, Bobby Shew, Michael Abene, Gary Burton, Ed Partyka, Bill Holman, Diane Shuur, Bob Mintzer, John Riley...). Deluje kot studijski glasbenik in aranžer, kot "sideman" se pojavlja na velikem številu posnetkov in na preko 60 posnetih albumih od resne glasbe in jazza do funka in popularne glasbe.